Food labelling, compliance, and validation

Interlabeling offers services for the marketing of food and food safety, including:


●      Food labelling

●      Validation and compliance review

●      Technical translation of labels

●      HACCP

●      Compliance advice─EU (Regulation [EU] No 1169/2011), US (21 CFR 101), Arab and Asian countries

●      Food labelling training

Leading company
in food labelling.

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Our mission

Interlabeling was founded to meet the needs of producers, processors, distributors and all those in the food industry who are responsible for food labelling, including the validation of labels, the marketing of food products, and e food safety

Food labels vary depending on the geographic area: Europe, United States, Canada, Australia, Gulf countries, China, and many others. They all have their own complex food law.

Interlabeling cares for the technical translation of labels, helping those involved to translate, review, and check the labels of food products in the countries where they are marketed.

We also provide advice on the compliance with European laws, such as the Regulation (EU)  1169/2011, advice on the labelling standards of non-EU countries and Haccp

plans, as well as training on food safety and food labelling.

Our accomplishments in 2021

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Food labelling

We handle compliance processes for food labelling worldwide

We create product labels.

Etichettatura alimentare


We care for the translation of legal terms of technical data sheets and marketing texts.

The team reviews and checks the labels by country.


We offer technical advice  for the food labelling field.

We offer skilled advice in connection with food labelling, food safety and HACCP plans.

interlabeling etichettatura alimentare e Consulenze


We submit requests and notifications to the ministries and relevant authorities.

We attend appraisals, prepare self-evaluation plans and care for all administrative procedures.

interlabeling etichettatura alimentare e Consulenze


We handle NON-compliant cases and solve them on your behalf.

We care for the language, technical, and legal aspects of food labels.

interlabeling etichettatura alimentare e Consulenze


We organize webinars and courses in Italian, English, French and German to be held at your company offices.

These are the topics addressed: international labelling, food safety and others on request.

etichettatura per alimenti conformità 2020
icon About

Our mission is to offer our customers
clear, consistent and skilled advice

My name is Alessandra Muraro and I would like to introduce the Interlabeling Team specialists to you

alessandra muraro interlabeling etichettatura alimentare e Consulenze

Dr.ssa Alessandra Muraro

Food law expert

Fondatrice di Interlabeling e coordinatrice del team.

Ha sviluppato una decennale esperienza nel mondo del food law e dell’etichettatura dei prodotti alimentari.

Collabora stabilmente con istituzioni pubbliche e private in qualità di docente.

Inoltre, si occupa dell’interpretazione delle norme e della formazione in prima persona dei propri collaboratori.

etichette alimentari conformi

The team is then made complete by others:

-Native or bilingual translators who are trained for the translation of food labels.
- Food law experts in the country of destination of the goods who are trained by Alessandra Muraro.


Are you looking for a partner with an established experience in the technical and legal evaluation of food labels? Are you looking for a partner who knows and is able to foresee the common issues experienced in the labelling industry and large-scale distribution?
Then Interlabeling is the right partner for you!

Our team is made up of native translators from over 30 countries around the world. By maintaining contact with local institutions, our translators have access to the most up-to-date and reliable regulations. Furthermore, they provide extremely accurate translations considering that languages are constantly evolving and that they often have multiple nuances according to the area where they are spoken.

Your time counts! Thanks to the excellent cooperation between translators and proofreaders, Interlabeling is able to provide accurate revisions and translations quickly. It is not a perfect system... however it is based on the passion for our job and our desire to prove ourselves a serious and reliable partner!

You just have to learn more about interlabeling

You have two options: TO DOUBT or TO ACT. By doubting you may fall behind your competitors, by ACTING you will be at the top of your industry.

Which option do you want to choose for YOUR product?

Interlabeling News

How can we help you?

If you have any questions about food labelling or courses, fill out the form below and you will be contacted as soon as possible.

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